www.tellasda.com – Join Tell ASDA Customer Survey To Win £1000

by anisur July 11, 2019

Tell ASDA Customer Survey

ASDA would love to what their customers think about them so that they can understand their need and ensure that they are provided with the best service possible. Therefore, ASDA invites all their recent customers to participate in the Tell ASDA Customer Survey and share their experience regarding their latest visit to an ASDA location. And to say thank you for taking the time and complete the survey, all the successful entrants will be given a chance to enter a monthly draw to win a £1000 cheque.

ASDA Customer Survey Sweepstakes Rules & Requirements

In order to participate in the ASDA Customer Satisfaction Prize Draw Contest, all the entrants must be eligible and abide by the contest rules like they

  • Must reside in the United Kingdom and has reached over the age of 18 years.
  • Must not be an employee, representative, or agent or a member of their immediate families of ASDA and ABA Market Research Limited, their associated companies or anyone connected with this prize draw.
  • Must receive a survey response card at a participating location or an electronic or email-based invitation by a representative of the Promoter, ASDA
  • The survey must be completed within 28 days of the date specified on the till receipt to enter the drawing.

How to Take Tell ASDA Customer Survey Online

To fill out the ASDA Customer Satisfaction Online Survey in the right way, you can follow the steps provided below. This short survey takes only 10 minutes of your time to complete.

  • Keep your survey invitation nearby and go to the ASDA Survey Site, www.tellasda.com
  • Enter the date you visited the ASDA Store and click the “Next” button.
  • Select what was the purpose of that shopping trip and again hit the “Next” button to proceed.


  • Rate your experience on various topics based on that visit to ASDA.
  • At the end of the survey, submit the entry form providing the required details e.g. first name, last name, email address, etc. to be entered into the applicable monthly drawing.

If you do not wish to participate in the Prize Draw, you can skip the part and complete the survey without entering any of your personal and contact information.

More Information about ASDA Survey & Sweepstakes

  • There are no alternative ways to enter the ASDA Monthly Prize Draw Contest except taking the survey online.
  • The survey runs every month and entries for each prize draw will open on the first day of every month and close on the last day of every month.
  • For each properly completed survey shall receive one entry to the current draw.
  • Respondents can continue to enter up to 4 surveys in a 28 day period.
  • The random draw will take place on the third business day following the last day of each month for the £1000 prize.
  • The £1000 prize will be awarded 1 randomly selected winner from each monthly contest in the form of a cheque.
  • The selected winners will be contacted by telephone or email within 10 business days of the draw.
  • The latest winners’ names and stores they visited will be published within one month of each draw.
  • For the complete ASDA Prize Draw rules, click the ‘Terms & Conditions’ link posted at the right bottom of the survey entry page.

About ASDA

ASDA Stores Ltd is a Leeds, Yorkshire based British Supermarket Chain and a wholly owned subsidiary of Walmart. The company was founded in 1949 by Peter and Fred Asquith alongside Sir Noel Stockdale. Today, ASDA is one of the largest supermarket chains in the UK and operates more than 630 stores across the country.

Also Read : Take Arby’s Guest Experiance Survey To Win £1000

Contact Information

Tell ASDA is managed and maintained by ABA Market Research on behalf of ASDA. For any technical issues with the Survey, you can contact them by email at TellASDAHelpdesk@abareasearch.co.uk

Writing Address:

Tell ASDA Contest Sponsor

ABA Market Research Limited
Hart House
6 London Road
St Albans

Tell ASDA Contest Promoter

ASDA Store Limited

ASDA House
Great Wilson Street

LS11 5AD

Reference :


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