www.bigy.com/Survey – Join Big Y Customer Survey To Win $250 Gift Card

Big Y Customer Survey
Big Y invites its customers to take the Big Y Customer Survey online and tell them what you experienced in the Big Y location where you shopped most recently. And to appreciate you taking the time for the survey, you will be given a chance to participate in Big Y Monthly Drawing to win a $250 Gift Card.
The feedback and opinion you provide in the survey will help Big Y to serve you better and achieve their goal to succeed the customers’ evolving expectations by constantly seeking better ways to create and deliver world-class service and value. Hence, you are required to fill in the entire survey questionnaire with honest and truthful information.
Eligibility & Requirements for Big Y Survey & Prize Draw
In order to join the Big Y Customers Survey and get the opportunity to enter the Big Y Monthly Sweepstakes, the contestants will need to comply with some certain rules and fulfill the requirements such as
- You must be a Big Y Silver Savings Club Card holder. (Those, who do not have a Big Y Silver Savings Card, can apply for one at the Big Y Customer Service Desk for free).
- Must be 18 years or older at the time of drawing entry. Entries under 18 years of age need parental permission to partake in the survey sweepstakes contest.
- Must not to be the employees and their immediate families of Big Y, its affiliates, agents and any person connected with the Big Y Prize Draw Contest.
- Purchase is not necessary but you need a recent valid Big Y sales receipt to access the survey online.
How to Complete Big Y Customer Survey Online
To be eligible to enter the Big Y Sweepstakes, the only way you have is the online survey which usually takes a few minutes to complete. To initiate the procedure, keep your Big Y receipt handy and follow the steps listed below.
- Visit Big Y official website, www.bigy.com; navigate to ‘Customer Service’ section on the left-hand side at the bottom of the page and click on the “Survey” link. Or, you can directly go to the survey page from this link www.bigy.com/Survey
- Scroll down and click on the red “Begin the Survey” button located in the middle left of the page.
- Take a good look at the important information you must know before starting the survey and enter the drawing contest and hit the “Click Here To Start Survey” button in the middle bottom of the page.
- Enter your 11-digit Silver Savings Card Number from your Big Y Sales Receipt in its specific field which is pre-filled by the initial ‘4’ of the card number.
- Select the store location from the given list and click the “Submit” button to start the survey.
- Respond to the survey as per your experience and enter your phone number or email address and other requested information to enter the Big Y monthly drawing for a $250 Big Y gift card.
Important Information about the Big Y Survey and Sweepstakes
- Each entrant is allowed to enter the Big Y Listens Survey and the Sweepstakes only once per month.
- In each month drawing, one winner will be selected to receive a $250 Big Y gift card.
- The winner will be notified via email as soon as possible after verification.
- The name of the winner will be posted at the Big Y survey page by the end of the following month after he/she is notified and verified.
- You can view the General Online Contest Rules on www.bigy.com/Services/Policies page.
About Big Y
Big Y, operating under the trade name ‘Big Y World Class Market’, is one of the largest independently owned supermarket chain in New England with more than 70 supermarkets in Massachusetts and Connecticut. It is a family owned and family oriented retail food company serving people’s at home food needs. Big Y was started its journey when the D’Amour brothers, Paul and Gerry and their sisters purchased Y Cash Market. Currently, Big Y is the fourth largest supermarket in New England and the second largest in Southern New England.
Also Read : Join Tell ASDA Customer Survey To Win £1000
Contact Information
For any question, dial the Big Y Customer Support Phone Number: 1-800-828-2688
Or, you can go to Big Y Contact Us page at www.bigy.com/ContactUs and submit your question, suggestion, problems or comments providing the required details i.e. Name, Big Y Card Number, Email and Phone Number.
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