www.tryrevitive27.com – Check Revitive Offers Online

Try Revitive 27 Order Revitive Online Product Offer
Any item that professes to assuage a throbbing painfulness, improve flow, and reinforce leg muscles ought to have a sufficient answer for finishing the entirety of the requests that make certain to come in. On account of Revitive, that arrangement has been built up with the Try Revitive 27 internet requesting page. The individuals who have chosen they need to try things out can start the web based requesting process (which incorporates a multi day unconditional promise) by clicking any of the Buy Now fastens dispersed over the page. In the wake of tapping the catch clients will be given the alternative of moving up to the Gold Package of the Revitive item being bought. The individuals who are keen on the update can tap the Yes I Want It catch to continue to the request screen (the connection underneath the Yes I Want It connection can be clicked by the individuals who approve of the standard rendition of the item). Preceding continuing to the online look at process clients will have the chance to enter an email address to get tips and uncommon offers.
What is Revitive and how it helps
Poor blood flow in your legs often causes tired, aching and sore legs and feet. But, for millions of people suffering, the new FDA-Cleared Circulation Booster by Revitive offers the relief they have been looking for.
Patented and clinically tested, Revitive Electrical Muscle Stimulation gets your lower leg muscles pumping. This delivers fresh, oxygen-rich blood into your legs and feet, improves leg muscle strength and endurance, and relieves aches and pains
Patented IsoRocker
System gently and involuntarily allows your ankle joints to move, for greater performance and comfort.
Settable Intensity
Powerful enough for everyone.
Cordless Freedom
Allows you to use Revitive Medic anywhere, even on the porch and on vacation.
It’s the way to actively improve your circulation and alleviate aches and pains.
Patented Waveforms
Combines muscle activation with specific relaxation periods for more effective and muscle stimulation
Benefits of Revitive
Increase your circulation
Relieve aches & pains
Improve muscle strength & endurance
Try Revitive
For this go to, www.tryrevitive27.com
Here, at the top right side of the page click on, ‘Offers’ in red.
You will be directed towards the bottom of the page, and there, you will get two options,
Revitive Advanced
Revitive Medic
For the first, you will get,
2 Electrodes body pads
2 Year Warranty
The price: $249.00
For the second, you will get,
Advanced IsoRocker
Rechargeable Battery
Adjustable Timer
2 Electrodes body pads
2 Year Warranty
FREE treatment boosting accessories worth $50
The Price: $329.00
You have to choose them, and click on, ‘Buy now’ in green.
Then, follow the instructions of payment.
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More on the Try Revitive 27 Offer
The 60 day guarantee begins the day the product is delivered from the warehouse
The free shipping valued at $19.95 applies to orders within the contiguous U.S. only
Online offer is available for both the Revitive Advanced and Revitive Medic products
Visa and MasterCard can be used to purchase both products with secure checkout
Contact info
To get more help, you can call on, 877-260-3116. 8:30 AM and 5 PM. Or you can send a mail to, 8425 Woodfield Crossing Blvd. Suite 305E, Indianapolis IN 46240.
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