www.psabilling.com – PSA Patient Service Account Login

Get Access To PSA To Update Your Health Insurance Information
There are so many healthcare providers who also give the service of insurance. SA is one of them, and an well-known one as well. The PSA Patient Service Center is offered by an American Medicare and health care services providing company that offer a portal for the patients to help them get some services online from their home.
They can get to make payments online, they can update their information online and can check the balance as well as many other services are promised.
Change Healthcare is the billing service provider for your community-based pathology practice or laboratory. The billing statement you received represents the pathology fee for professional services associated with the evaluation of a specimen, tissue, blood or bodily fluids taken and submitted to the laboratory by your referring doctor.
At Change Healthcare they recognize that your privacy is important to you, and they are committed to doing our part to respect and protect the privacy and security of your personal information.
If you want to get information about PSA billing services you need to go through this article. Here you will get the thorough explanation and help to every service of PSA.
Update information in PSA
To update this information go to, www.psabilling.com
Here, in the middle of the page, you will get three side by side blocks.
Here, in the middlebox, click on, ‘Update information’.
On the page you will get information such as,
You need to allow three business days for your health insurance information to be updated. If you receive a bill within three business days of submitting this information, please be aware that the bill was processed without your updated insurance information due to the time constraints listed above.
A copy of your insurance card at the front and at the back would also be helpful, and can be faxed to 877-268-1254 (Toll-Free) or emailed to psrbilling@changehealthcare.com. Please be sure to include your account number, when faxing or emailing.
Then, at the middle you will have to type,
First Name *
Middle name
Last Name *
Home Address
Address 1 *
Address 2
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone Number *
Gender *
Social Security #
Account Number * –
Medicare Information
Medicare Part B Number
Medicaid Information
Medicaid Number
Insurance Information
Primary Insurance
Secondary Insurance
Insurance Company Name *
Ins. Company Phone Number
Ins. Company Address 1 *
Ins. Company Address 2
City *
State *
Zip *
Policyholder’s Name *
Policyholder’s Date of Birth *
Policyholder’s Social Security #
Policy Number *
Group Number
Patient Relationship to Policyholder *
E-mail Address
Then, from bottom middle click on, ‘Submit’.
You need to follow the prompts to get the information updated.
Submit a payment for PSA
To submit the payment go to, www.psabilling.com
Here, at the middle of the page, you will get three side by side blocks.
Here, in the first box, click on, ‘Submit a payment’. The blue one.
In the next page at the middle left input,
Account Number * (No dashes or spaces)
Zip Code *
Then, click on, ‘Retrieve balance’.
This way you will be able to get the balance.
Note: Set up recurring payments has the same steps. You can also check the sample billing statement.
More information on PSA billing
PSA billing statement is for services rendered for diagnostic testing and results requested by your doctor which were performed at the physician’s office and/or hospital. These charges are not included in any other hospital, laboratory or physician statement. Change Healthcare will file your insurance with the information supplied from the requesting facility and you will receive a statement for the amount you are required to pay after insurance has paid its portion of the bill or denied payment. By providing the most current insurance information, you can help expedite this process.
It is as a service to you, Change Healthcare will bill your insurance company based on the information you supplied to the doctor or the hospital where your specimen, tissue, blood or bodily fluids was taken. After the insurance company has paid its portion of your bill or denied payment, Change Healthcare will send you a bill which indicates the amount you are required to pay. By providing the most current insurance and credit card information, you can expedite this process.
You may receive a bill from your doctor, hospital or laboratory and the pathologist which may appear to be for the same procedure. However, these charges are not included in any other hospital, laboratory, or physician statement. The doctor’s charge relates to the professional services provided during your office visit or surgical procedure; the hospital’s charge relates to the technical laboratory processing of the specimen, tissue, blood or bodily fluids; and the pathology bill relates to the professional services associated with the interpretation or diagnosis of the specimen, tissue, blood or bodily fluids. Each group will bill you directly for services it performed.
The rights as a patient you will have
The right to request limits on uses and disclosures of your Protected Health Information (PHI).
The right to choose how PHI is sent to you.
The right to see and obtain copies of your PHI. But, note: whether a patient is entitled to obtain a copy of his/her test results is a complicated issue that is also governed by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) and state law. As a billing agent and for legal reasons relating to patient confidentiality, we are not permitted to discuss test results. Therefore, please contact your referring doctor for information regarding test results.
The right to obtain a list of the disclosures a healthcare organization has made of your PHI.
The right to correct or update your PHI.
The right to obtain a paper copy of the notice of privacy practices on request, in addition to receiving one electronically, i.e., via email.
You also have the right to complain about Change Healthcare’s privacy practices. If you think that Change Healthcare may have violated your privacy rights, or you disagree with a decision we made about access to your PHI, you may file a complaint with the Change Healthcare Privacy Director.
You may also send a written complaint to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:
Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue S.W.
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, DC 20201
Change Healthcare will take no retaliatory action against you, if you file a complaint about our privacy policy.
If you have any questions about this notice, any complaints about our privacy policy, or would like to know how to file a complaint with the U.S. Secretary of the Department of HHS, you need to contact the Change Healthcare Privacy Director.
Change Healthcare Privacy Director
Change Healthcare
P.O. 100559
Florence, SC 29501-0559
Telephone: 843 629-2973
Effective Date of Change Healthcare Notice of Privacy Practices: April 1, 2002, revised April 14, 2003, May 15, 2003
If anyone other than you require access to your patient account, the company cannot release your protected health information (PHI) without a written authorization.
A written authorization allows us to release your PHI to a family member, friend or other person that you indicate is involved in your care or the payment for your healthcare.
Also Read : MetLife Employee Benefits Account Login
Customer care
To stay connected with PSA, you will have to go to, www.psabilling.com. Here, at the middle right side you will get some listed options, here click on the last one, ‘Contact us’.
In the next page, you will get the contact information such as Patient Service Center
PO Box 100559
Florence, South Carolina 29501-0559
Toll-Free Phone: 877-268-0376
Toll-Free Fax: 877-268-1254
Email: psrbilling@changehealthcare.com
Monday to Thursday: 8:00am to 9:00pm
Friday: 8:00am to 8:00pm
Or you can send the email by typing in the middle part blanks,
Name *
Email Address
Phone Number
Contact Method *
Account Number
Subject *
Message *
Then, click on, ‘Send message’.
You will get the reply within 48 hours.
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