www.bankofthewestrewards.com – Bank of the West Account Access

Registration Guidelines To Bank of the West Rewards Program
Bank of the west works under its parent organization, BNP Paribas and has its headquarter in San Francisco, California. It’s a regional financial service concern. It comprises of more than 600 branches and offices in the western and midwest United States. The company has its revenue of $217 billion and also has subsidiaries such as, Claas Financial Services LLC and much more.
Bank of the West rewards is a program website which is only for those customers who have a rewards credit card or a debit card which is enrolled in the program. After the registration is completed, you will be able to access your points balance. You will also have the ability to claim and redeem points anytime for the surprising awards in the online catalog.
You can also combine your points for the greater rewards. If you have more than one card, then combine the points from each card to increase the reward. You can also choose your points from the unique range of rewards.
Do you want to get the rewards from Bank of the west? Then, you need to check this article and you will be filled with information.
Register for Bank of the west rewards
For this part go to, www.bankofthewestrewards.com
Here, at the middle right side of the page click on, ‘Create account’.
You will get a box, where you need to input,
Account Info
Email Address
First Name / Business Name
Last Name
Billing Address:
Billing Zip/Postal Code
Select Username & Password
Confirm Password
Security Question 1
Answer 1
Security Question 2
Answer 2
Security Question 3
Answer 3
Agree to the terms
Check the validation box
Then, click on, ‘Submit’ in green from the bottom.
Follow the instructions after this to get registered.
Logging into Bank of the west rewards
To log in, visit, www.bankofthewestrewards.com
Here, at the middle left side, under the section, ‘Returning user?’. You will get the login blanks. Here type,
The username
The password
Check the validation box
Then, click on, ‘Log in’ in green.
This way you will be logged in.
Forgot login details
In case you have forgotten the login details, you need to go to the same login page, and here, under the log in button, click on, ‘Forgot your username or password?’.
You will get a box, where you need to enter,
The registered email
Last 8 digits of Card Number or Authorized Redeemer ID
Check the validation box
Then, click on, ‘Submit’ in green.
Follow the instructions after this to get the details.
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The rewards of Bank of the west rewards
Gift Cards
Gifts and Accessories
Home Recreation
Also much more.
Fill the Bank of the west order form
You can fill out this form by going to the link, www.bankofthewestrewards.com
Here, scroll down to the bottom, and at the right side click on, ‘Order form’.
You will get a pdf form, where you need to type,
Card Number
Award Description
Qty Points
Last Name
First Name
Middle name
Business Name
Street Address
City State Zip
Daytime Phone Number
Social Security No:
You need to enclose in an envelope and mail to:
Bank of the West Rewards
Award Headquarters
P.O. Box 31504
Tampa, FL 33631-3504
For further questions you can Call: (866) 791-4106.
Additional tips on Bank of the west rewards
If you want to combine your points it’s very easy. You need to Log-in to the Bank of the West Rewards website which is, www.bankofthewestrewards.com. Here, using the user name and password you created and complete the Relationship Rewards request form to combine your Bank of the West Rewards cards together.
You can combine your Bank of the West Card participating in Bank of the West Rewards. You can choose to combine some or all of your cards together, as long as the cards are already enrolled in Bank of the West Rewards.
Your Relationship Rewards request form will typically be processed within 24 hours of receiving the request; however please allow up to three business days for processing. Notification of the application decision will be provided to the person(s) listed on the Accounts at the email address indicated in the Relationship Rewards request form.
Unfortunately, not all requests can be processed and approved. For more information regarding this matter, you need to call the bank at (866) 791-4106.
There is no cost to combine your cards into one rewards account Relationship.
Once you log in to your rewards account, you can view all Points available on both your individual account and on all accounts included in the Relationship whether your account is the Head of Relationship Accounts or a Contributing Account.
For personal accounts, when you combine your accounts together any account holder in a Relationship can claim and redeem points. For business accounts, when you combine your employees’ accounts together only the Head of Relationship Accounts can claim and redeem points.
If you are eligible to claim and redeem Points after accounts have been combined you may do so online, over the phone, or by using the award order form. Points will be deducted on a first-in, first-out basis, which means that older Points that have been combined will be deducted first, regardless of which account the points were accrued on, or who is making the redemption.
If you are eligible to claim and redeem Points in your Relationship and are unable to, please confirm your account is not delinquent, overdrawn, or otherwise not available for use. If you have questions about your account status, please call the Customer Service phone number listed on the back of your card.
You will receive points contributed by your individual account less any Points adjusted, or claimed and redeemed.
You cannot transfer Points from one institution’s program to another.
Your points are yours for the life of the account as long as your account is in active status. Your points will expire if there is no purchase activity on your Rewards account for six consecutive months. Your full balance of points will never expire as long as you have card activity at least once every six months. If your account is closed for any reason, you will forfeit any rewards you have not redeemed.
Search and redeem for your airline tickets, car rentals, hotels, and cruises under the Travel Section of the corporate rewards website. You have three options to redeem for Travel:
Points: Use rewards points to cover the full amount of the airline ticket/car rental/hotel and cruises.
Pay Cash: The full amount of an airline ticket/hotel/cruise/car rental will be charged to the credit card of your choice.
Points + Cash: Enter the number of points you wish to redeem and pay for the remainder of the balance using a credit card.
You should contact the airline directly or you can contact the number printed on your travel itinerary. You will receive airline contact information on your flight itinerary, which will be emailed to you after you redeem points for air travel.
Tickets and fees are non-refundable. Any changes to the flight itinerary must be handled directly with the airline. You may be subject to fees enforced by the airline for changes to your flight itinerary.
Your new points will be updated daily on your Rewards account after the purchase transaction has posted to your Commercial Card. This process typically takes 1 or 2 days. In rare instances, depending on processing days and holidays, it may take a little longer.
Customer help
To get in touch with the bank and its rewards especially, you can go for these contact details.
For program inquiries:
Call 1-866-791-4106
24-hours a day, 7-days a week
For travel reservations
Phone: 1-877-784-1464 or from outside the US call 1-314-579-2635
M – F 8am -12am EST, Sat – Sun 9am – 9pm
For general questions on your Bank of the West Card,
Credit Card Customer Service: (800) 996-2638
Debit Card Customer Service: (800) 488-2265
Send inquiries to:
Bank of the West Rewards
Award Headquarters
P.O. Box 31504
Tampa, FL 33631-3504
Note: When you are calling or mailing inquiries, you need to include the following:
Address (including city, state and ZIP code)
Daytime and evening phone numbers
Email address
Item number
Order number
Your queries will be answered by the customer car executives.
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